quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2009

Shadows Inside My Soul

Love was a way of life for me. I allways told people to believe in love cause they would get the best of their lives. And then i met you for the first time... I though that everything I believe and told people was proved by the shining of your eyes... by the way you used to look at me...
I was a fool... believing in love and believing I could give everything for you...
I mean... who am I to give you all you need? I'm just a poor lord who used to wandering around, telling people that love was allways the right answer...I'm such an idiot right?
With you I've learn that love has a great and shining meanig... with you I've learn that life really does metter...But I was a fool no to declare my love for you... I though...: She says she loves me cause I think of her as a sister. So I better never let her know how much I love her...
Patetic? Yeah I know...
So for you that are reading this post. Never hide your love for the person that reaches your heart...
Don't let shadows get inside your soul...Don't be afraid to say I Love You. Otherwise somebody else will...

Now All I have is this... Shadows Inside My Soul, and a great regret for not telling her how much I love her... at least not in time.

"A kingdom is nothing without the Lady to be with her Lord"

Hope Someday you can forgive me for being a stranger... someday I'll Be back... I promisse...

Um comentário:

  1. It made me remember moulin rouge. I agree with somethings, but never let yourself believe that you are a fool, somethings are how they should be and everything can chance when you aren't waiting. Just believe in it. Nothing is forever and don't matter if it is a pain or something good. Never give up to be happy, because when you are alone, everything you have is your hope, and it will give strength to go on through all the imperfect ways that the destiny will show you.

    "Just knows the true happiness the ones who someday tasted the bitter pain"

    I hope you could find your way... and I hope I could be there, no matter where, being your friend...
